we invite you to join us as aN member ARTIST of the ewcaf
Besides the obvious benefit of simply being affiliated with a not-for- profit charitable organization that shares your values of fostering connections between East and West through the arts, as a Member-Artist of EWCAF examples of your work will be exposed to the full membership as well as other visitors to its website. This represents a considerable high income, like-minded potential collector base in itself which pales in comparison to the possibilities opened up by future participation in cross-cultural art shows in China itself. This, of course, could bring your work to a vast, interested new demographic which might not otherwise get the opportunity to view your art.
Please fill out the form and send payment to: East West Culture and Arts Foundation, 35 Journey, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Please make your check payable to:East West Culture and Arts Foundation
We will contact you promptly upon review.
If you have any questions, please contact: Email: info@ewcaf.com Phone: 714-726-1763